I spent the last several days writing up A&S documentation for two items I plan to exhibit at an Athena’s…
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Or Nue Heraldic Bee, part V
In my previous post, I completed the gold and pearl work for my embroidered heraldry, and appliqued it to the fabric…
Continue ReadingOr Nue Heraldic Bee, part IV
(See my previous posts on this project here, here, and here.) In my last post, I appliqued the goldwork to my pouch material.…
Continue ReadingOr Nue Heraldic Bee, part III
As described in the last two installments on this project (see part I and part II), I had created an Or nue depiction…
Continue ReadingOr Nue Heraldic Bee, part II
I’ve been a bit busy and ill this month, which took some time away from my projects. I also had…
Continue ReadingOr Nue Heraldic Bee, part I
When I started playing in the SCA again recently, I decided to do a goldwork project, and picked my device…
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My second piece of goldwork was a heraldic pouch I made for then Queen Æsa of Northshield, using her personal device…
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